Attorney Ricardo Velasquez commenting on DACA/DAPA
Over the weekend, Attorney Ricardo Velasquez talked about the Supreme Court’s ruling on DACA and DAPA and how it affects the Latino community in the U.S.

Immigration Attorney Ricardo Velasquez commenting on DACA ::
Ricardo Velasquez discusses the impact of the latest DACA’s Supreme Court ruling on the Latino Community.
After the court’s announcement last week hundreds of people have been asking questions about their immigration status. We have been telling our clients and the rest of the community to stay calm and to be hopeful: The Supreme Court’s announcement doesn’t define permanently the future of DACA/DAPA. We believe the case for DACA is going to continue in court with a positive result.
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The Supreme Court announcement has left many people in the shadows. Thousands of families were awaiting for a positive ruling that would allow them to get an employment authorization and remain in this country, without the fear of deportation: a reality that many families have to deal with day after day. Hundreds of families across the U.S. have been teared apart when a loved one gets deported. A ruling in favor of DACA and DAPA would have given many families a sense of security and peace. In concrete terms, the programs DACA and DAPA would offer many immigrants the possibility to get a work permit and a driver license.
We are dealing not only with an issue of civil rights but also a human rights issue. Not just because some people are in this country without permission it means that they loose their dignity as humans. We need to work together to make sure we make the right decision.
What are your thoughts and comments on DACA and the latest Supreme Court ruling? [/read]
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